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Tips for Putting Together Hybrid Events

November 11, 2020
5 mins Read

How to Plan Successful Hybrid Events

With no end in sight for the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations and businesses must find different ways to host events. The hybrid event is one alternative that combines aspects of an in-person gathering with online components. Thanks to technological advancements, hybrid events can be just as engaging and memorable as their in-person counterparts. When planning hybrid events, follow the below tips to ensure your event is a success.

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Test All Your Technology in Advance

Technology is a significant component of a successful hybrid event; there are slideshows, videos, and live meetings to set up. Ensure that you test everything beforehand, using the same visual backgrounds, positioning, and sound equipment that you’ll use during your hybrid events. You don’t want to have your attendees waiting around while trying to figure out why your sound is choppy or why your videos won’t play. Testing ahead of time lets you address any problems beforehand.

Recruit a Strong Facilitator

A strong facilitator is essential for any event, but it’s especially paramount for hybrid events. Your facilitator will make sure that your event is inclusive for all your attendees and that no one feels like an outsider. The facilitator also manages the flow of your event so that there’s minimal dead air time. Depending on the size and flow of your event, one facilitator may be sufficient. Or you might need a team of facilitators to tend to the needs of your virtual and on-sight attendees.

Incorporate Engaging Virtual Experiences

Make sure that your hybrid event is an affair to remember by incorporating engaging virtual experiences. These experiences make your event more exciting for your attendees, and they encourage human connection among your virtual attendees.

Our virtual photo booth is an excellent way to add a fun virtual experience to hybrid events. With a virtual photo booth, your attendees can choose from various backgrounds for their photos. It’s easy to operate and works with practically any PC or smartphone. Attendees can then customize their images with text or stickers and share them via social media with other event-goers.

Plan on Creating Mementos from Your Hybrid Events

Mementos from your event are an effective way to remind attendees of your event’s value and inspire individuals who couldn’t attend to add your events to their calendars. Keshot’s virtual photo mosaic is an innovative way to connect guests from your event. Guests can submit their favorite photos via social media or a dedicated URL. The images combine to create a customized photo mosaic that attendees can save or even print physical copies.

Keshot Makes Hybrid Events Easy

Need more support for your hybrid events? Let Keshot help you take your event to the next level! Contact us today at 702-930-3970.