Let Me Take A Selfie!
According to Oxford dictionary, Selfie was the word of 2013, but as the twitter-breaking Ellen Degeneres Oscar selfie suggests, it’s a phenomenon that still pays in 2014.

According to Wall Street Journal, Ellen Degeneres skit was not improvised, but a part of a product placement deal with Samsung, who paid close to 18 million dollars to be the branded photo phone of choice for Ellen’s selfie skit. The coupling of smiling celebrities and the selfie buzzword lead to retweet gold. To date, over 3.2 million people have retweeted Ellen’s Oscar selfie pic. As for Samsung, at one point in the Oscar telecast, Samsung Galaxy was being mentioned 900 times per minute. Wow!
And the phenomenon does not stop there:
To date, there are over 57 million photos bearing the hashtag #selfie on Instagram alone. Last month, radio stations across the US started to blast an electronic song called #selfie and the song’s music video already has 4.5 million views on Youtube. On top of that, a recent poll states that over 30% of pictures taken by millennial are selfies.
There is no denying this is the current cultural photo-taking experience.
While selfie may be the buzzword of the past few years, we at Keshot have been well aware of the selfie photo taking experience for quite sometime; Keshot photo booths provide guests the opportunity to take selfies at company events, and share them with friends.
This week, AT&T has asked us to partner with them for a Take A Selfie promotion at the ACC Men’s and Women’s Basketball finals tournament. Students and fans will have the opportunity to take selfies with our photo booth kiosks, which will then be displayed on a live video feed during the event.
We look forward to posting pictures from the event, and seeing where the selfie phenomenon goes next.