Interact at events with Keshot Photo Booths Virtual Props
Keshot Photo Booths Virtual Props is a new feature offered at Keshot and it has taken us back to a simpler time; thinking back to our adolescence, when we found humor in googly eyes and sticker books, and the modest products of laughter and creativity. If the real world obligations of adulthood have locked away your inner child, we believe we have found the key. Remarkably the key is as simple as the summers of yester-year. Try drawing a mustache on the celebrity on this month’s issue of VOGUE, it’s that easy.

By far Keshot’s most personalized feature offered on a photo booth, the Interactive Overlay feature amplifies the users experience at an event. Adding this feature, at events with social media marketing, sets a new level of creativity and originality to the overall aesthetic of your brand and to the user experience at the photo booth. Ultimately, the event is held as a form of entertainment for the attendees, and this feature is an event within itself. Photo booths users will navigate the through the picture taking process the same as before; capture an image, link to platform and send. But instead of the personalization of the captured image completed with an overlay border or backdrop, users are given an option to drag and modify fun interactive props into the picture. These props vary in number and design, it’s best to customize and personalize the interactive overlay with your brand or themed and event specific fun props. Modify the props to create personality to the picture, resize a pair of glasses over eyes to exaggerate the overall loo, or redirect the composition of a hat to tilt a fedora on someone’s head. Think back.
The year, 1955, and Smethport has just sent Wooly Willy to great the world at $0.29 a pop. Magnetic fun lies at your fingertips to create any hairstyle imaginable on Willy’s bald head. Users have become Wooly Willy, and the widget the magnet, the fun however is timeless.