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How Event Marketing Can Benefit From the Biggest New Trend: Visual Marketing

March 10, 2013
5 mins Read

Did you know that images are processed 60,000x faster in the brain than text? With the rise of social media, there are now even more ways to integrate visual marketing into your brand’s event marketing. According to Social Media Examiner, 2013 is the year of visual marketing, and visuals and video done right are highly effective in cutting through the noise.

At the same time, companies are increasingly seeing the visual value in event marketing with conferences, PR events, trade shows, mobile marketing tours, and other types of public promotional events where consumers can be exposed to a brand or product through experience.

These types of events are important to your visual marketing decision-making, as an essential part of the event is the takeaways, or the branded items that guests can bring home. The way that a consumer experiences a brand while at an event is an impression that makes a lasting mark, influencing their purchase decision at some point in the future.

Along with exhibits and displays highlighted with your brand’s colors and logo, you can follow up these event experiences with a strong takeaway impression through fun, visual-based items that can help make the likelihood of a purchase that much greater.

In the past, these takeaways were confined to tee shirts, water bottles or other various physically branded items. Today with the rise of social media, there are even more visual-based options available. A fun and innovative way to give your attendees a lasting brand impression is through event photo booths that allow them to take photos or video and then share it to social media or through email with their friends and family.

By sharing their event experience they can also receive an online postcard of their images as a keepsake. Event images can also be uploaded directly to your company’s Facebook photo album, providing a way for everyone, even those who did not attend, to experience your event.

During an event, visual social media marketing offers a great opportunity to interact directly with your audience while empowering them to share and amplify your brand message. After an event, it’s a fantastic way to stay engaged and have the experience live on through the sharing of your event’s photos and videos. Now, more than ever, using visual social media marketing tactics is a great way to supercharge your event marketing strategy.