Celebrate Back to School with an Interactive Photo Mosaic Wall

Prepare for Back to School with an Interactive Photo Mosaic Wall
What do you think when you hear the term interactive photo mosaic wall? As you know, this is typically the season when schools begin their fall session. Many others are simply finalizing preparations for the upcoming school year. All things considered, this might be a good time to contemplate using an interactive photo experience that brings people together. This is a powerful way to unite people across the virtual space.
School is Now in Virtual Session
The number of COVID-19 cases throughout the United States has surpassed the millions. As a result, the pandemic has had a tremendous impact on our everyday life in this country. It’s become apparent that this upcoming school year will look starkly different from previous years.
Consequently, throughout most parts of the country virtual programs now temporarily take the place of regularly scheduled academic activities. Most NCAA sports are cancelled and in-person school activities are now postponed until 2020. It’s undeniable that we’re facing an unprecedentedly challenging time for academia here in the states.
Therefore, many schools have now opted to go entirely virtual for the first month, until the end of this year, or potentially even longer. Consequently, both school age children and older students may now experience feelings that they are missing out on the academic experience. Undeniably, they long for ways to connect with their peers and derive significant meaning from this upcoming school year. At this time, many now search for new ways to provide that meaningful connection they intensely long for.
Why Choose Interactive Walls for Events?
Without a doubt, this might be a difficult and challenging transition for students. An interactive picture experience delivers a great way to offer some joy and connection at this time. In light of our current social climate, many students are eager to socialize and escape feelings of isolation and boredom. As we search for powerful new means to interact with others and stay entertained, an interactive photo experience helps bring people together. Herein they can share a collective experience and permanently capture important moments in the virtual world.
For this purpose, uploading pictures to the virtual space makes for the perfect interactive photo experience. Moreover, an interactive event wall is 100 percent customizable, easy to integrate, and user-friendly. All in all, it’s the perfect way to commemorate not only the start of the school year but academic and social celebrations such as award and commencement ceremonies.

6 Ways to Celebrate Back to School with an Interactive Photo Mosaic Wall
#1 Freshman Orientation
Design your incoming high school or college freshman virtual orientation as an interactive event wall. At first send all freshmen students a link. There they can upload their photos, information, and an answer to a customizable question, perhaps about the freshmen experience. Afterward, when the mosaic is completed, notify everyone, so they can explore the mosaic and get to know their classmates. This fun and engaging experience could help students feel more engaged and comfortable in the virtual academic environment from the start. Simultaneously, this gives them with a powerful opportunity to get to know their peers who they can then keep in touch with in the digital space. In addition, include a scavenger hunt with exciting prize or spruce it up with a trivia challenge.
#2 Host a Virtual Back to School Night for Parents
Back to School Nights have become an annual tradition for almost every school. They help parents familiarize themselves with their child’s teachers while having the opportunity to network with other parents. In light of our current virtual environment, an interactive photo mosaic could be a great way to kick off a back to school night.
#3 Create a Mosaic for Your Club
An interactive photo mosaic wall is the ideal way to kick off the school year for your academic club or organization. Henceforth, invite club or organization members to come upload photos, videos, and their personal information to create an exciting and enrolling interactive photo experience.
#4 Fundraise for the Year with an Interactive Event Wall
Looking to raise funds for your academic club or organization for the year? If so, digital event pictures are the perfect way to tell your organization’s story while uniting people for a collective mission or purpose. Additionally, incorporate a link to your GoFundMe, Kickstarter or any other type of fundraising platform link to the registration form to provide people with a chance to donate.
#5 Celebrate Academic Events with Virtual Photo Mosaic
Looking to set up your events calendar for the year? In that case, an interactive photo mosaic is the perfect addition to all of your academic and social events for the year. Commemorate a gathering with a permanent keepsake in the digital space. Then ask participants to upload photos and videos to remember their experience. As we progress onwards with the year, an interactive photo mosaic wall might be the perfect way to memorialize graduation in the digital space.
#6 Honor Your Interns
As college and university students progress on the road to career advancement, internship programs play a vital part. Since the majority of internships will be performed remotely for the fall semester, organizations may choose to honor their interns by creating a special interactive photo wall. Invite interns to contribute to the interactive photo experience. This introduces your interns to each other while giving company employees an opportunity to get familiar with the new company interns.
Look Towards the Future with an Interactive Photo Mosaic Wall
In conclusion, as we head into the upcoming school year, we are steadily approaching a new and exciting frontier. While an interactive mosaic wall may not entirely substitute the personalization and connection provided by in-person interactions with others, it can help strengthen our bond with others in the virtual world.