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The Right Way to Produce Content for Social Media at Events

November 28, 2012
5 mins Read

For the record, there isn’t a right or wrong way to produce content on social media platforms. However, adding social media to event marketing campaigns may increase content generated by your customers.

No matter the platform (Facebook and/or Twitter) the content should be produced to encourage followers and their extended networks to actively participate in your brand’s posting. These social media platforms purpose, after all, is to build awareness and generate conversations for the brand.

The Who, What, Where and When of Posting
Every post is an opportunity for your followers to get to know to your brand. Approach each post as a question can help: who, What, When, Where, Why, How, Keep your network up to speed. Whether you are posting about upcoming events or uploading images directly from the event, you are disseminating newsworthy information to fans.

Keep Sharing
Make sure that you are posting in real time at events to keep your networks and platforms active. Post from events about events. If a follower comments on your brand or event, repost that comment, while also adding a comment of your own to get the conversation started. You will be surprised that your followers really want to share all the things they like about your brand.

Building Relationships
Think of social media platforms, Facebook and Twitter, as a cocktail party. Start trying to mingle with people through post, comments and hash tags. Remember the idea is to have some personal impact on your follower. The event is a great first point of contact with followers when you add a social media photo booth to the event program. It is equally as important to maintain relationships. If you are great at sharing on these social media platforms, and conversations are always present in your posts, then maintaining relationships will be effortless.

These platforms are a form of media, use them as such you would a billboard; in a charming, subtle and clever way. As long as you’re honest in producing content, harvesting discussion from posts becomes effortless. It becomes a relationship. The more you care for your farm, the more fruitful the harvest.